Achimov, Donna, Chief Executive Officer, Translation Bureau

Travel expenses

List of travel expenses, which includes the date, purpose and total cost
Date(s) Purpose Total cost
2016-07-29 Parking - To attend a meeting2016-07-2916.00 $16.00
2016-06-20 Parking - To attend a meeting2016-06-2027.00 $11.00
2016-06-15 to 2016-06-16 To attend a Directors Education Program course2016-06-15 to 2016-06-161024.79 $997.79
2016-06-14 Parking - To attend a meeting2016-06-141036.79 $12.00
2016-06-06 Parking - To attend a meeting2016-06-061041.54 $4.75
Total $1,041.54

Hospitality expenses

List of hospitality expenses, which includes the date, event description and total cost
Date(s) Event description Total cost
2016-06-02 Lunch - Working Lunch;2016-06-02;$228.35 $228.35
Total $228.35