Public Services and Procurement Canada Asbestos Management Directive

1. Effective date

June 5, 2017 (updated June 1, 2019)

2. Authority

This directive is issued under the authority of the Director General (DG),Service Lead, Technical Services (TS), Real Property Services (RPS), Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC).

3. Context

This directive must be read in conjunction with the RPS Asbestos Management Standard.

This directive enhances and supplements Part II of the Canada Labour Code—Occupational Health and Safety, as well as the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (COHSR) Part X—Hazardous Substances, and should be read in that context.

This directive should also be read in conjunction with the National Joint Council Occupational Health and Safety Directive, Part XI—Hazardous Substances, and the PSPC Standard on Occupational Health and Safety Training, and Standard on Hazardous Substances, which are part of the departmental occupational health and safety policy suite.

4. Scope

This directive applies to all RPS employees involved in the delivery of the Real Property Business Line, and have responsibilities related to the management of buildings, both Crown-owned and leased (including lease-purchase and sale leaseback), in which either:

For all matters pertaining to the health and safety of RPS employees involved with asbestos and its management, please refer to the PSPC Standard on Hazardous Substances and Standard on Occupational Health and Safety Training.

This directive does not apply to PSPC service providers: for these individuals consult the RPS Asbestos Management Standard.

5. Purpose

This directive ensures the safe and efficient operation of buildings and engineering assets where asbestos is deemed to be present, in accordance with the minimum standards of the applicable codes and regulations.

The purpose of this directive is to outline the responsibilities of Asset Managers, Property and Facility Managers, Project Managers, Regional Asbestos Coordinators, and leasing representatives when asbestos-containing materials are present in the building inventory. The purpose of this document is to also provide the operational details of the activities required to be carried out for the management of asbestos-containing materials.

6. Asbestos management, maintenance, and repair work processes

In addition to the requirements of this directive, leased buildings are subject to existing lease clauses and provincial/territorial regulations.

6.1. Asbestos management plan

Please refer to the RPS Asbestos Management Standard for details and requirements in the following areas pertinent to the Asbestos Management Plan:

  • background information
  • inspection of building or engineering asset for asbestos-containing material
  • laboratory analysis of material samples
  • assessment of materials found to contain asbestos
  • inventory of asbestos-containing materials
  • annual asbestos-containing material reassessment
  • notification where there is disturbance or potential disturbance of asbestos-containing materials in building or engineering asset
  • leased space

6.1.1. Training

Training for departmental employees is subject to, and must be compliant with, the PSPC Standard on the Hazard Prevention Program, Standard on Occupational Health and Safety Training, Standard on Hazardous Substances, Standard on Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing for Employees, and Standard on Occupational Health Evaluations, which are part of the departmental occupational health and safety policy suite.

Training by way of the required PSPC course Asbestos Work Practices Awareness shall be provided to RPS Asset Managers, Property and Facility Managers, building systems technicians, building operator maintainers, and all employees who may disturb asbestos-containing material through the activities of their work, or persons who may enter a work area. This same training course is also required for those departmental employees who supervise workers or service providers who may work near, and may disturb asbestos-containing material.

In addition to the awareness course, any employees who will perform low risk work will receive additional appropriate training, from a qualified service provider, this training must conform to the regulations, codes and guidelines related to asbestos abatement of the province or territory where the work will be performed, as no such requirements exist federally.

6.2. Maintenance, renovations, and construction processes involving asbestos-containing materials

Please refer to the RPS Asbestos Management Standard for details and requirements in the following areas pertinent to the maintenance, renovation, and construction processes involving asbestos-containing materials:

  • classification of asbestos-related work
  • asbestos work processes
  • bulk sample procedures
  • informing building occupants through Employer representatives
  • respirator fitting, inspection and maintenance
  • asbestos work inspection and air quality monitoring in situations where the work is classified as low, moderate, or high
  • hazardous occurrence investigation and reporting
  • recordkeeping

6.2.1. Control prior to maintenance work

Only maintenance work classified as low risk can be performed by RPS employees, and they must have taken training as outlined in 6.1.1., and may be required to undertake a medical evaluation as per the requirements of the Standard on Occupational Health Evaluations. A copy of an Asbestos-Related Work Record (form PWGSC-TPSGC 55, available in the Forms Catalogue (FC)) shall be placed in the employment file of each employee who performs low-risk work. Work classified as moderate and high risk must be performed by a qualified service provider which has been approved by the Project Manager. The Asset Manager, or Property and Facility Manager must notify the Employer representatives prior to the commencement of work that will disturb asbestos-containing material.

When there are asbestos-containing materials in the maintenance area, and it has been determined that these materials could be disturbed by the planned work, the Project Manager, Asset Manager, or Property and Facility Manager must notify the maintenance staff or the service provider of the presence of asbestos-containing material. In situations where the service provider is performing work directly for the PSPC Asset Manager or Property and Facility Manager, the service provider shall be required to sign the Contractor Notification and Acknowledgement form (form PWGSC-TPSGC 16, available in the Forms Catalogue (FC)) prior to commencement of the work. This form will be kept with other maintenance work documentation.

Please refer to the RPS Asbestos Management Standard for additional details.

6.2.2. Control prior to renovation and construction work

Only renovation and construction work classified as low risk can be performed by RPS employees, and they must have taken training as outlined in 6.1.1 and may be required to undertake a medical evaluation as per the requirements of the Standard on Occupational Health Evaluation. A copy of an Asbestos-Related Work Record (form PWGSC-TPSGC 55, available in the Forms Catalogue (FC)) shall be placed in the employment file of each employee who performs low-risk work. Work classified as moderate and high risk must be performed by a service provider.

Current PSPC practice is to undertake full asbestos abatement in a building only in the case of a major renovation. In each case, the Investment Analysis Report (IAR) will be used as a financial tool to evaluate the cost/benefit, and the design phase will evaluate the abatement feasibility. In rare instances, a full abatement of all asbestos in the building may not be achievable as the abatement would equate to the demolition of the entire structure. In such cases that a portion of asbestos is left in place, it will be managed by an Asbestos Management Plan that ensures the health and safety of building occupants. The Director General, Service Lead, Technical Services will make the decision for exceptions to leave asbestos-containing material in place during major renovations.

When there are asbestos-containing materials in the renovation area, and it has been determined that these materials could be disturbed by the work, the Project Manager, Asset Manager, or Property and Facility Manager must notify the maintenance staff and/or the service provider and the Employer representatives of the presence of asbestos-containing material. In situations where the service provider is performing work directly for the PSPC Asset Manager or Property and Facility Manager, the service provider shall be required to sign and provide documentation as outlined in Section 6.2.1.

Some projects require a Technical Authority in addition to a Project Manager. In these instances, project documentation must be reviewed by the Technical Authority.

If the work involves the disturbance of asbestos-containing material, then it must be ensured that the Employer representatives are informed by the Asset Manager, or Property and Facility Manager, giving the Employer representatives the opportunity to invite their Workplace Health and Safety Committee to attend a pre-construction meeting with the service provider and project manager.

Please refer to the RPS Asbestos Management Standard for additional details.

6.2.3. Hazardous occurrence investigation and reporting

When a building occupant is, or may accidentally be, exposed to airborne asbestos as a result of disturbance of asbestos-containing material, or by inadvertent contact during regular maintenance, renovation or construction work, a qualified person shall be appointed to conduct a hazard assessment by the Asset Manager or Property and Facility Manager as per the requirements of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

The assessment shall determine the potential hazard, and must conclude as to whether the hazardous material could be present as an airborne hazard, at a level of at least 50% of the exposure limit as determined by the threshold limit values identified by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). The Asset Manager or Property and Facility Manager, building Employer representatives, and the Workplace Health and Safety Committee must be invited to participate in the assessment. At the conclusion of the assessment a Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report (form PWGSC-TPSGC 874, available in the Forms Catalogue) is to be completed by the Asset Manager or Property and Facility Manager, in compliance with the departmental Standard on Hazardous Occurrence Investigation and Reporting and provided to all assessment participants.

When airborne asbestos fibers are likely present at level of at least 50% of the exposure limit, a control plan shall be instituted. The control plan must address the following:

  • a record of where asbestos-containing material was found
  • written procedures for control
  • communication with building occupants through Employer representatives
  • medical surveillance, when applicable
  • training of employees

6.2.4. Leased space

Federal workplaces are subject to the Canada Labour Code, Part II, including space within leased buildings. Leased buildings (including lease-purchase and sale leaseback) are also subject to existing lease clauses and provincial/territorial regulations concerning the management of asbestos-containing material. Lease clauses must be consulted on a building-by-building basis to confirm existing lease requirements.

Prior to occupancy, the Leasing Representatives obtain and provide all documents concerning asbestos-containing materials to the Asset Manager, or Property and Facility Manager. The Asset Manager, or Property and Facility Manager must provide these documents to the Employer representatives. The Asset Manager or Property and Facility Manager shall retain received electronic copies of documents in GCdocs Footnote 1, with oversight of the records management by the Regional Asbestos Coordinator.

During the lease period, as updates are provided by the building owner, the Asset Manager, or Property and Facility Manager, must provide an update, written in plain language to the Employer representatives, summarizing the report, in addition to the building owner’s report concerning modifications and reassessments of the asbestos-containing material. The Asset Manager, or Property and Facility Manager, must also provide copies of the reassessment to the Regional Asbestos Coordinator.

7. Responsibilities

Compliance with this directive is mandatory. Failure of an employee at any level to comply may be considered misconduct, and the employee may be subject to consequences as per the applicable departmental and Treasury Board policies.

7.1. The Regional Directors General (RDGs), and the Director General (DG), Service lead, Technical Services, in support of PSPC's role as custodian, are responsible in their respective regions for:

7.2. The Director General, Service Lead, Technical Services, is responsible for:

7.3. Regional Directors (RDs), Professional and Technical Services (PTS), Regional Directors, Environmental Services, Senior Directors, Property and Facility Management Service Line, Senior Directors, Technical Services Service Line, and Senior Directors, Infrastructure Asset Management Service Line, in support of PSPC's role as custodian, are responsible for:

7.4. Regional Asbestos Coordinators, are responsible for:

7.5. Asset Managers, or Property and Facility Managers are responsible, for:

7.6. The Technical Authority is responsible for:

7.7. RPS Employer representatives are responsible for:

7.8. Leasing Representatives are responsible for:

7.9. RPS Project Managers/Supervisors are responsible for:

7.10. RPS Building Systems Technicians / Building Operator Maintainers are responsible for:

7.11. RPS employees are responsible for:

8. Definitions

Definitions may be found in the RPS Asbestos Management Standard, and the departmental Occupational health and safety policy suite glossary.

9. References

Federal acts and regulations

National Joint Council publications

Public Service and Procurement Canada publications

Training course

Employees should go to ALTO to find training courses.

Other publications

  • Provincial and Territorial Occupational Health and Safety Legislation
  • Provincial and Territorial Environmental Protection Legislation
  • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) Book (as amended from time to time)
  • Canadian National Master Construction Specification (NMS)


  • Contractor Notification and Acknowledgement (form PWGSC-TPSGC 16, available in the Forms Catalogue)
  • Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report (form PWGSC-TPSGC 874, available in the Forms Catalogue)
  • Asbestos-Related Work Record (form PWGSC-TPSGC 55, available in the Forms Catalogue)

10. Enquiries

Please direct all enquiries regarding this directive to:

Senior Director, Environment, Health & Safety
Technical Services
Real Property Services, Public Service and Procurement Canada

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