Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number 700222544
Contract Date 2012-06-20
Description of Work 491-Management Consulting
Contract Period - From 2012-06-21
Contract Period - To 2013-12-31
Delivery Date
Contract Value $20,900.00
Total Amended Contract Value $63,000.00
Comments This is a notice of the restatement of Contract 700222544. The contract was misstated in the standardized comments.  The comments have been corrected in this second quarter of  the 2013-14 Proactive Disclosure Report.   The original comments are replaced with the following: This contract was awarded on a non-competitive basis; and  this contract is with a former public servant in receipt of a pension under the Public Service Superannuation Act.