Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number EN97622267
Contract Date 2012-05-10
Description of Work 473 - Information Technology and Telecom Consultants
Contract Period - From 2012-04-19
Contract Period - To 2016-04-30
Delivery Date
Contract Value $127,883.70
Total Amended Contract Value $556,977.75
Comments Amend # 4, to change end date to April 30th 2016. IT consultants working primarly on the Termium Plus and Termium 6 application for the Translation Bureau, option year 3. This contract was transfered to CIOB in Auguste 2014. This contract is a multi-year contract. This contract is a call-up against a Public Works and Government Services Canada procurement tool