Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number 700346246
Contract Date 2016-02-09
Description of Work 420 - Engineering Services not Elsewhere Specified
Contract Period - From 2016-01-13
Contract Period - To 2016-03-31
Delivery Date
Contract Value $86,091.60
Total Amended Contract Value $86,091.60
Comments This contract is to create detailed design drawings, specifications and Tender documents for 15 bridges identified as in need of repair, along with the West Coast Trail in Pacific National Park. f the 15 trail structures in the Pacific Rim National Park, Bridge 98A had a critically inadequate overal structural condition rating of ""1"", three (Billy Goat Suspension Bridge #35, Walbran Cable Car #85 and Bridge 98) had an inadequate overal structural condition rating of ""2"", three (Bridge 19, Tsocowis Creek Suspension Bridge #27 and Bridge 97 at 150 Yard Creek) had a poor rating of ""3"", three has a fair rating of ""4"" and the remaining five had agood or excellent rating of ""5"" or ""6"". Bridge 98A requires immediate capital repairs.