Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number LSO60006903
Contract Date 2016-06-15
Description of Work 494 - Transl. Serv. - Operating Expenses
Contract Period - From 2016-06-20
Contract Period - To 2016-08-05
Delivery Date
Contract Value $15,521.63
Total Amended Contract Value $15,521.63
Comments This contract was competitively sourced.This contract is a multi-year contract.This contract was awarded to a supplier from prequalified supplier list in accordance with the terms of the Supply Arrangement. For a contract with task authorizations, the realized amount of the contract is contingent on the number of task authorizations issued and may be less than the amount proactively disclosed, dependent on the operational requirements of the department.