Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number 700266241
Contract Date 2013-07-22
Description of Work 499 - O-Professional Services not Elsewhere Specified
Contract Period - From 2013-07-22
Contract Period - To 2014-03-14
Delivery Date
Contract Value $7,368.73
Total Amended Contract Value $17,708.23
Comments This contract is a call-up against a Public Works and Government Services Canada procurement tool.This contract includes one or more amendments. The consultant to undertake soil analysis at Sarnia harbour. Amended due to the discovery of asbestos in soil, additional work undertaken to conduct human health risk calculations, run specialized lab analysis on worst case samples, and to develop a preliminary plan and an indicative cost estimate (Class D) of risk management measures.