Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number EP46691143
Contract Date 2009-03-26
Description of Work 491 - Management Consulting
Contract Period - From 2009-03-01
Contract Period - To 2015-03-31
Delivery Date
Contract Value $24,699,638.98
Total Amended Contract Value $104,868,027.90
Comments This contract includes one or more amendments. The contract is for the provision of PeopleSoft human resources management software, annual software maintenance charges, and ongoing software development services for Government of Canada departments and agencies which use the product. Contract amendments ensure the continuity of maintenance and support services required by the user departments and agencies, seamless system operations support for government-wide human resource management, and allow for additional professional services required for customizations of the software in order to satisfy Government of Canada business requirements.