Di Paola, Rosanna, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Accounting, Banking and Compensation Branch

Travel expenses

List of travel expenses, which includes the date, purpose and total cost
Date(s) Purpose Total cost
2015-07-26 to 2015-07-31 Meetings with Miramichi Pay Centre employees2015-07-26 to 2015-07-312555.25 $2,555.25
2015-07-21 to 2015-07-23 Meetings and work 2015-07-21 to 2015-07-234153.12 $1,597.87
2015-06-21 to 2015-06-26 Meetings with Miramichi Pay Centre employees2015-06-21 to 2015-06-267260.91 $3,107.79
Total $7,260.91

Hospitality expenses

List of hospitality expenses, which includes the date, event description and total cost
Date(s) Event description Total cost
2015-06-12 Refreshments and lunch - Meeting of the External Advisory Committee for the Transformation of Pay Administration Initiative;2015-06-12;$272.77 $272.77
Total $272.77