Reza, Arianne, Assistant Deputy Minister, Procurement Branch

Travel expenses

List of travel expenses, which includes the date, purpose and total cost
Date(s) Purpose Total cost
2017-02-24 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-02-2420.00 $20.00
2017-02-22 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-02-2226.00 $6.00
2017-02-21 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-02-2141.00 $15.00
2017-02-15 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-02-1548.50 $7.50
2017-02-10 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-02-1057.50 $9.00
2017-02-07 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-02-0769.50 $12.00
2017-01-27 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-01-2787.50 $18.00
2017-01-04 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-01-0496.50 $9.00
Total $96.50

Hospitality expenses

List of hospitality expenses, which includes the date, event description and total cost
Date(s) Event description Total cost
2017-02-15 Refreshments - To engage in a dialogue with employees;2017-02-15;$42.03 $42.03
Total $42.03