Linklater, Les, Associate Deputy Minister

Travel expenses

List of travel expenses, which includes the date, purpose and total cost
Date(s) Purpose Total cost
2017-05-30 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-05-3012.50 $12.50
2017-05-26 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-05-2627.50 $15.00
2017-05-23 Parking - To attend a meeting2017-05-2337.50 $10.00
2017-04-18 to 2017-04-19 To attend a meeting with the Minister2017-04-18 to 2017-04-191172.26 $1,134.76
Total $1,172.26

Hospitality expenses

List of hospitality expenses, which includes the date, event description and total cost
Date(s) Event description Total cost
2017-04-28 Refreshments - Business Meeting;2017-04-28;$227.08 $227.08
2017-01-01 to 2017-03-31 Deputy Ministers' Functions - Quarterly Billing;2017-01-01 to 2017-03-31;$11.42 $11.42
Total $238.50