Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2021 Volume II: Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of National Defence
Ready Forces 11,215,919,413 11,434,707,759 617,995,037 436,309,841 2,450,000 646,731 113,797,831 152,504,211 11,722,566,619 11,719,160,120 9,898,804 2,401,800
Defence Team 4,139,246,102 4,079,469,180 24,665,823 24,835,756 3,208,186 2,961,880 64,748,050 49,626,586 4,102,372,061 4,057,640,230 3,658,272 (negative 3,588,899)
Procurement of Capabilities 705,691,205 777,854,259 3,995,768,320 3,342,128,852 129,331 67,398 4,701,330,194 4,119,915,713
Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure 3,398,288,674 3,472,182,463 903,546,266 830,162,756 35,450,000 35,450,000 171,848,614 152,044,590 4,165,436,326 4,185,750,629 41,105,680 (negative 107,213)
Operations 1,134,896,104 788,578,244 14,806,519 31,297,556 214,782,242 209,072,999 22,010,076 91,115 1,342,474,789 1,028,857,684 14,490,492 (negative 1,530,684)
Future Force Design 677,882,721 555,249,627 179,363,573 265,078,118 24,683,661 16,147,150 338,289 301,289 881,591,666 836,173,606
Internal Services 1,084,974,172 868,173,786 72,689,576 23,950,146 19,872,978 12,584,077 1,137,790,770 879,539,855 88,408 88,408
Subtotal 22,356,898,391 21,976,215,318 5,808,835,114 4,953,763,025 280,574,089 264,278,760 392,745,169 367,219,266 28,053,562,425 26,827,037,837 69,241,656 (negative 2,736,588)
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 392,745,169) (negative 367,219,266) (negative 392,745,169) (negative 367,219,266)
Total Department 21,964,153,222 21,608,996,052 5,808,835,114 4,953,763,025 280,574,089 264,278,760 28,053,562,425 26,827,037,837 69,241,656 (negative 2,736,588)
Communications Security Establishment
Provide and Protect Information 810,103,974 793,374,482 16,139,696 13,688,939 793,964,278 779,685,543
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 16,139,696) (negative 13,688,939) (negative 16,139,696) (negative 13,688,939)
Total Agency 793,964,278 779,685,543 793,964,278 779,685,543
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Independent review of military grievances 4,999,673 4,978,501 4,999,673 4,978,501
Internal Services 2,651,184 2,216,719 2,651,184 2,216,719
Total Agency 7,650,857 7,195,220 7,650,857 7,195,220
Military Police Complaints Commission
Independent oversight of the Military Police 2,969,228 2,880,699 2,969,228 2,880,699
Internal Services 2,167,870 2,065,976 2,167,870 2,065,976
Total Agency 5,137,098 4,946,675 5,137,098 4,946,675
Total Ministry 22,770,905,455 22,400,823,490 5,808,835,114 4,953,763,025 280,574,089 264,278,760 28,860,314,658 27,618,865,275 69,241,656 (negative 2,736,588)

Public Accounts of Canada 2021 Volume II: Bottom of the page Navigation

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