ARCHIVED SAM - Special Bulletin 2008-003

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| May 1, 2008 (revised June 13, 2011)

SUBJECT: Pre-employment Information


| 1.1. The purpose of this bulletin is to inform organizations of a new process, effective May 1, 2008, for the provision of information to prospective employees of the public service about the public service pension plan, ensuring consistent and accurate information is supplied. This service is directed at individuals who are not yet in the public service, but are seeking information. Also, as of the centralization of Plan Enrolment and Orientation in April 2011, new employees are the responsibility of the Public Service Pension Centre (PSPC).


| 2.1. On June 13, 2007, the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) granted approval to proceed with two pension administration transformation initiatives, namely the Government of Canada Pension Modernization Project (GCPMP) and the Centralization of Pension Services Delivery Project (CPSDP). The objectives of these initiatives are to renew Public Works and Government Services Canada's (PWGSC) nearly 40-year old pension administration system, to transform business processes, and to centralize most of the delivery of pension services to a center of expertise within PWGSC, namely the Pension Centre in Shediac, New Brunswick.

2.2. Accordingly, the CPSDP team has been established to develop and progressively implement pension services and business processes in accordance with the new model which allows for self-service options and access to pension expertise through various channels. The project, which will take place over the next couple of years, will bring about significant changes in the way pension services are currently delivered.

2.3. This service will provide a formal pre-employment information process, specifically for prospective plan members, regarding the benefits of joining the public service pension plan.


| 3.1. Effective May 1, 2008, the provision of information related to the public service pension plan for prospective plan members will be the responsibility of the Pension Centre.

3.2. TBS and PWGSC have created a Web site for both active and retired federal public service pension plan members, and will provide access to prospective plan members. This Web site contains valuable information, tools and services regarding the public service pension plan and group benefits plans.


| 4.1. Under the new procedure, prospective plan members will have access to the "Your Public Service Pension and Benefits" Web site, and a team of specialists in the Pension Centre will be responsible to provide general information related to the pension plan and portability of pension assets. They will also be responsible to provide a support function to help prospective plan members navigate through the pre-employment information and self-serve tools on the Web site.

| 4.2. Human resources officers may receive requests for benefits information, including the pension plan, from people considering employment in the public service. As of May 1, 2008, prospective employees should be directed by managers and human resources officers to the Web portal rather than to compensation advisors. Employees (Human Resource officers/managers) involved in staffing, recruitment or the selection process for an organization will be able to refer prospective employees to the Pension Centre by accessing the contact information on the "Your Public Service Pension and Benefits" portal, under "Pension and Benefits Contact Us". The contact information includes the "Your Public Service Pension and Benefits" portal Web address, the email address, the toll free number, a facsimile number and a mailing address for Pension Centre. It is up to each organization to determine how to provide the contact information. For example, Human Resources personnel could include the portal address in letters to applicants, or provide the link to prospective employees or distribute copies of the "Pension and Benefits Contact Us" page.

4.3. Compensation advisors are not responsible for providing pension plan related information to prospective plan members.


5.1. The project team will monitor the progress following implementation and will keep you apprised of the progress.

5.2. For additional information regarding project objectives and upcoming project activities, please consult the project Web site.

Original Signed by
B. Fortin

Brigitte Fortin
Director General
Compensation Sector
Accounting, Banking and Compensation