CD 2011-006

Subject: New Compensation Web Application (CWA) to Calculate Severance Pay

May 5, 2011 Updated May 18, 2011

1. Purpose

1.1. The purpose of this directive is to inform Compensation Advisors (CA), with access to CWA, of the new application for calculating severance pay.

2. Background

2.1. The Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) agreed to develop a tool to calculate severance pay to help departments and agencies to apply the new provisions of certain collective agreements.

2.2. The new calculator will be implemented on May 9, 2011, in both official languages.

3. Policy

3.1. The provisions on severance pay for each collective agreement are found on the Treasury Board Web site.

Updated 3.2. CA can access the severance pay calculator through the Pay and Pension Services for Government Employees web site. On the home page, go to the right-hand menu under "Information For" and click on "Compensation Advisor". Then, click on "Compensation Tools". Once you log onto the "myKey" page, you will be able to access the severance pay calculator link. The same access rights currently assigned to CA for the Regional Pay System (RPS) are required to use the calculator.

4. Procedures and Instructions

4.1. The calculator will automatically import applicable compensation information from the employee's account. The employee's basic information, periods of service and periods of leave without pay (LWOP) are populated from the pension systems.

Service and LWOP records will be merged and displayed when there are no changes in the employee's employment status, assigned work week or regular work week for the period of employment. Most periods of LWOP of fewer than three months will not be posted.

4.2. The calculator comprises eight main screens:

  1. Home Page
  2. Search Page
  3. Search Results Page
  4. Employee Information:
    • name,
    • Personal Record Identifier (PRI),
    • paylist (PL),
    • pay office (PO),
    • department,
    • classification,
    • bargaining unit,
    • rate of pay,
    • rate base,
    • employment status and scheduled work week
  5. Service History:
    • "From" date,
    • "To" date,
    • employment status,
    • type of service,
    • assigned work week,
    • scheduled work week,
    • reason for temporary struck off strength,
    • length and status
  6. LWOP History:
    • "From" date,
    • "To" date,
    • reason for temporary struck off strength,
    • type of service,
    • length and status
  7. Detailed Calculations: for gross severance pay
  8. Summary: including payment options and employee's signature

4.3. Responsibilities of the Compensation Advisor

At each step, the CA can consult the help text which explains the specific criteria for each screen.

The CA is responsible for validating employee information and adding, editing and deleting employee information. Once all employee information has been entered and saved, the CA clicks "Calculate", and the gross severance payment amount will be displayed. The summary page is to be printed and sent to the employee, who then chooses the preferred option.

The calculator is not to be used for casual employees, "as required" employees or Management Trainee Program (PL Ab initio) participants. In these cases, the calculator will display the period of eligible service for information purposes only. Also, the access and calculations are restricted to the following groups:

  • Program and Administration Services
  • Education and Library Services
  • Operations Services
  • OM Organization and Method
  • Personnel Administration
  • Program Administration and Mediation Conciliation Sub-Group

5. Inquiries

5.1. All inquiries on the information contained in this document should be directed to your PWGSC Compensation Services office.

Original Signed by
Carrie E. Roussin

Carrie E. Roussin
Director General
Compensation Sector
Accounting, Banking and Compensation

Reference(s): CJA