CD 2011-029

Subject: Federal, Provincial (excluding Quebec) and Territorial Personal Tax Credits – Effective January 1, 2012

December 16, 2011

1. Purpose

1.1. The purpose of this directive is to provide information concerning changes to the federal, provincial (excluding Quebec) and territorial personal tax credits for the 2012 taxation year.

1.2. A notice of information to employees concerning the above has been included with this Compensation Directive and will also be posted in the "Public Service Employee" page of the Compensation Sector Web site.

2. Background

2.1. Many of the personal tax credit amounts on the federal, provincial and territorial "Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1) forms have been indexed for 2012. Indexing means that certain personal tax credit amounts will increase based on changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). For example, the federal indexing factor for 2012 is 2.8%. To calculate the indexed federal personal tax credit amounts for 2012, multiply the appropriate 2011 personal tax credit amounts by1.028.

3. Policy

3.1. Federal Personal Tax Credits

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has announced that certain personal tax credit amounts have been indexed by 2.8% for the 2012 taxation year. The 2012 TD1 form has been revised to include these changes to the personal tax credit amounts. This form will be available at district taxation offices and from the CRA Web site at Forms listed by form number.

Family Caregiver Amount (FCA)

Beginning in 2012, a Family Caregiver Amount (FCA) in respect of an eligible infirm dependant will provide an additional $2,000, per dependant, for each of the following non refundable tax credits:

  • child amount;
  • spouse or common-law partner amount;
  • amount for an eligible dependant;
  • caregiver amount;
  • and amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older

Employees who are eligible to receive the FCA must complete a new TD1 form in order to claim the new tax credit amounts.

The following table provides the changes to the federal personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Federal personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $10,527 $10,822
Child amount $2,131 $2,191

(or $4,191 with FCA)

Age amount maximum of $6,537 maximum of $6,720
Disability amount maximum of $7,341 maximum of $7,546
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $10,527 maximum of $10,822

(or $12,822 with FCA)

Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $10,527 maximum of $10,822

(or $12,822 with FCA)

Caregiver amount maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402

(or $6,402 with FCA)

Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,282 maximum of $6,402

(includes FCA)

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the TD1 form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 4, 5, 11 and 12 of the TD1 form.

3.2. Provincial and Territorial Personal Tax Credits

Effective January 1, 2012, the following non-refundable personal tax credit amounts can be claimed by employees based on their province/territory of employment. Some personal tax credit amounts have been indexed for the 2012 taxation year. Each provincial and territorial TD1 form will be revised to include these changes to the personal tax credit amounts. These forms will be available at district taxation offices and from the CRA Web site at Forms listed by form number.

Newfoundland and Labrador

The following table provides the changes to the Newfoundland and Labrador personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 3.1%) effective January 1, 2012:

Newfoundland and Labrador personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 3.1%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $7,989 $8,237
Age amount maximum of $5,100 maximum of $5,258
Disability amount $5,391 $5,558
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $6,528 maximum of $6,731
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $6,528 maximum of $6,731
Caregiver amount $2,537 $2,615
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older $2,537 $2,616

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the "Newfoundland and Labrador Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1NL) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 3, 4, 10 and 11 of the TD1NL form.

Nova Scotia

The following table provides the changes to the Nova Scotia personal tax credit effective January 1, 2012:

Nova Scotia personal tax credit effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective July 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $8,731 $8,481
Age amount maximum of $4,263 maximum of $4,141
Pension income amount maximum of $1,208 maximum of $1,173
Disability amount maximum of $5,183 maximum of $5,035
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $7,413 maximum of $7,201
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $7,413 maximum of $7,201
Caregiver amount maximum of $5,043 maximum of $4,898
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $2,880 maximum of $2,798

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the "Nova Scotia Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1NS) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 4,10 and 11 of the TD1NS form.

Prince Edward Island

There are no changes to the personal tax credit amounts for the province of Prince Edward Island.

New Brunswick

The following table provides the changes to the New Brunswick personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

New Brunswick personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $8,953 $9,203
Age amount maximum of $4,371 maximum of $4,494
Disability amount maximum of $7,248 maximum of $7,451
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $7,602 maximum of $7,815
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $7,602 maximum of $7,815
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,228 maximum of $4,346
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,228 maximum of $4,347

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the "New Brunswick Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1NB) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 3, 4, 10 and 11 of the TD1NB form.


The following table provides the changes to the Ontario personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 3.3%) effective January 1, 2012:

Ontario personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 3.3%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $9,104 $9,405
Age amount maximum of $4,445 maximum of $4,592
Pension income amount $1,259 $1,300
Tuition and education amounts (full-time) $490 $506
Tuition and education amounts (part-time) $147 $151
Disability amount maximum of $7,355 maximum of $7,598
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $7,730 maximum of $7,986
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $7,730 maximum of $7,986
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,291 maximum of $4,433
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,292 maximum of $4,433

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the "Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1ON) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 10 and 11 of the TD1ON form.


There are no changes to the personal tax credit amounts for the province of Manitoba.


The following table provides the changes to the Saskatchewan personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Saskatchewan personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective July 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $14,535 $14,942
Age amount maximum of $4,428 maximum of $4,552
Senior supplementary amount $1,169 $1,202
Disability amount maximum of $8,563 maximum of $8,803
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $14,535 maximum of $14,942
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $14,535 maximum of $14,942
Child amount $5,514 $5,668
Caregiver amount maximum of $8,563 maximum of $8,803
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $8,563 maximum of $8,803

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the "Saskatchewan Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1SK) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 4, 5, 12 and13 of the TD1SK form


The following table provides the changes to the Alberta personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 1.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Alberta personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 1.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $16,977 $17,282
Age amount maximum of 4,731 maximum of $4,816
Pension income amount $1,307 $1,331
Tuition and education amounts (full time) $660 $672
Tuition and education amounts (part time) $198 $202
Disability amount maximum of $13,095 maximum of $13,331
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $16,977 maximum of $17,282
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $16,977 maximum of $17,282
Caregiver amount maximum of $9,827 maximum of $10,004
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $9,827 maximum of $10,004

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the "Alberta Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1AB) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 10 and 11 of the TD1AB form.

British Columbia

The following table provides the changes to the British Columbia personal tax credit amounts(indexing factor is 2.4%) effective January 1, 2012:
British Columbia personal tax credit amounts(indexing factor is 2.4%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $11,088 $11,354
Age amount maximum of $4,252 maximum of $4,356
Disability amount maximum of $7,114 maximum of $7,285
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $9,730 maximum of $9,964
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $9,730 maximum of $9,964
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,150 maximum of $4,250
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,151 maximum of $4,250

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the "British Columbia Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1BC) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 3, 4, 10 and 11 of the TD1BC form.


The Yukon tax credit amounts will be harmonized with all federal personal amounts. Refer to section 3.1. above for information regarding the FCA for certain non refundable tax credits.

The following table provides the changes to the Yukon personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Yukon personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $10,527 $10,822
Child amount $2,131 $2,191

(or $4,191 with FCA)

Age amount maximum of $6,537 maximum of $6,720
Disability amount maximum of $7,341 maximum of $7,546
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $10,527 maximum of $10,822

(or $12,822 with FCA)

Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $10,527 maximum of $10,822

(or $12,822 with FCA)

Caregiver amount maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402

(or $6,402 with FCA)

Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,282 maximum of $6,402

(includes FCA)

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the "Yukon Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1YT) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 4, 5, 11 and 12 of the TD1YT form.

Northwest Territories

The following table provides the changes to the Northwest Territories personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Northwest Territories personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $12,919 $13,280
Age amount maximum of $6,319 maximum of $6,496
Disability amount maximum of $10,476 maximum of $10,770
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $12,919 maximum of $13,280
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $12,919 maximum of $13,280
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the "Northwest Territories Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1NT) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 3, 4, 10 and 11 of the TD1NT form.


The following table provides the changes to the Nunavut personal tax credit amounts(indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Nunavut personal tax credit amounts(indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $11,878 $12,211
Age amount maximum of $8,909 maximum of $9,158
Disability amount maximum of $11,878 maximum of $12,211
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $11,878 maximum of $12,211
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $11,878 maximum of $12,211
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402
Infirm dependant age 18 or older maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402

Indexed tax credits (shown in table above) are the total of lines 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the "Nunavut Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1NU) form. Non-indexed tax credits are the total of lines 3, 4, 10 and 11 of the TD1NU form.

4. Procedures and Instructions

4.1. Compensation systems are programmed to automatically reflect the basic personal amount, the spouse or common-law partner amount, and the amount for an eligible dependant.

Employees who wish to change their personal tax credit amounts must complete both the federal and the applicable provincial or territorial TD1 forms. An employee who changes province or territory of employment or moves to another province or territory should complete the appropriate provincial or territorial TD1 form. These forms are available from CRA tax services offices and from the CRA Web site at Forms listed by form number.

5. Inquiries

5.1. Any inquiries on the information contained in this document should be addressed to your Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Compensation Services Office.

Original Signed by
Carrie E. Roussin

Carrie E. Roussin
Director General
Compensation Sector
Accounting, Banking and Compensation

Reference(s): CJA 9007-7, 9007-8

Information Notice to Employees

Federal, Provincial (excluding Quebec) and Territorial Personal Tax Credits - Effective January 1, 2012

The purpose of this directive is to provide information concerning changes to the federal, provincial (excluding Quebec) and territorial personal tax credits for the 2012 taxation year.

Many of the personal tax credit amounts on the federal, provincial and territorial "Personal Tax Credits Return" (TD1) forms have been indexed for 2012. Indexing means that certain personal tax credit amounts will increase based on changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). For example, the federal indexing factor for 2012 is 2.8%. To calculate the indexed federal personal tax credit amounts for 2012, multiply the appropriate 2011 personal tax credit amounts by 1.028.

Federal Personal Tax Credits

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has announced that certain personal tax credit amounts have been indexed by 2.8% for the 2012 taxation year. The 2012 TD1 form has been revised to include these changes to the personal tax credit amounts. This form will be available at district taxation offices and from the CRA Web site at Forms listed by form number.

Family Caregiver Amount (FCA)

Beginning in 2012, a Family Caregiver Amount (FCA) in respect of an eligible infirm dependant will provide an additional $2,000, per dependant, for each of the following non refundable tax credits:

  • child amount;
  • spouse or common-law partner amount;
  • amount for an eligible dependant;
  • caregiver amount;
  • and amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older.

Employees who are eligible to receive the FCA must complete a new TD1 form in order to claim the new tax credit amounts.

The following table provides the changes to the federal personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Federal personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $10,527 $10,822
Child amount $2,131 $2,191

(or $4,191 with FCA)

Age amount maximum of $6,537 maximum of $6,720
Disability amount maximum of $7,341 maximum of $7,546
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $10,527 maximum of $10,822

(or $12,822 with FCA)

Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $10,527 maximum of $10,822

(or $12,822 with FCA)

Caregiver amount maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402

(or $6,402 with FCA)

Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,282 maximum of $6,402

(includes FCA)

Provincial and Territorial Personal Tax Credits

Effective January 1, 2012, the following non-refundable personal tax credit amounts can be claimed by employees based on their province/territory of employment. Some personal tax credit amounts have been indexed for the 2012 taxation year. Each provincial and territorial TD1 form will be revised to include these changes to the personal tax credit amounts. These forms will be available at district taxation offices and from the CRA Web site at Forms listed by form number.

Newfoundland and Labrador

The following table provides the changes to the Newfoundland and Labrador personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 3.1%) effective January 1, 2012:

Newfoundland and Labrador personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 3.1%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $7,989 $8,237
Age amount maximum of $5,100 maximum of $5,258
Disability amount $5,391 $5,558
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $6,528 maximum of $6,731
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $6,528 maximum of $6,731
Caregiver amount $2,537 $2,615
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older $2,537 $2,616

Nova Scotia

The following table provides the changes to the Nova Scotia personal tax credits effective January 1, 2012:

Nova Scotia personal tax credits effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective July 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $8,731 $8,481
Age amount maximum of $4,263 maximum of $4,141
Pension income amount maximum of $1,208 maximum of $1,173
Disability amount maximum of $5,183 maximum of $5,035
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $7,413 maximum of $7,201
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $7,413 maximum of $7,201
Caregiver amount maximum of $5,043 maximum of $4,898
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $2,880 maximum of $2,798

Prince Edward Island

There are no changes to the personal tax credit amounts for the province of Prince Edward Island.

New Brunswick

The following table provides the changes to the New Brunswick personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

New Brunswick personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $8,953 $9,203
Age amount maximum of $4,371 maximum of $4,494
Disability amount maximum of $7,248 maximum of $7,451
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $7,602 maximum of $7,815
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $7,602 maximum of $7,815
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,228 maximum of $4,346
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,228 maximum of $4,347


The following table provides the changes to the Ontario personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 3.3%) effective January 1, 2012:

Ontario personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 3.3%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $9,104 $9,405
Age amount maximum of $4,445 maximum of $4,592
Pension income amount $1,259 $1,300
Tuition and education amounts (full-time) $490 $506
Tuition and education amounts (part-time) $147 $151
Disability amount maximum of $7,355 maximum of $7,598
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $7,730 maximum of $7,986
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $7,730 maximum of $7,986
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,291 maximum of $4,433
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,292 maximum of $4,433


There are no changes to the personal tax credit amounts for the province of Manitoba.


The following table provides the changes to the Saskatchewan personal tax credit amounts(indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Saskatchewan personal tax credit amounts(indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective July 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $14,535 $14,942
Age amount maximum of $4,428 maximum of $4,552
Senior supplementary amount $1,169 $1,202
Disability amount maximum of $8,563 maximum of $8,803
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $14,535 maximum of $14,942
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $14,535 maximum of $14,942
Child amount $5,514 $5,668
Caregiver amount maximum of $8,563 maximum of $8,803
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $8,563 maximum of $8,803


The following table provides the changes to the Alberta personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 1.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Alberta personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 1.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $16,977 $17,282
Age amount maximum of 4,731 maximum of $4,816
Pension income amount $1,307 $1,331
Tuition and education amounts (full time) $660 $672
Tuition and education amounts (part time) $198 $202
Disability amount maximum of $13,095 maximum of $13,331
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $16,977 maximum of $17,282
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $16,977 maximum of $17,282
Caregiver amount maximum of $9,827 maximum of $10,004
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $9,827 maximum of $10,004

British Columbia

The following table provides the changes to the British Columbia personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.4%) effective January 1, 2012:

British Columbia personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.4%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $11,088 $11,354
Age amount maximum of $4,252 maximum of $4,356
Disability amount maximum of $7,114 maximum of $7,285
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $9,730 maximum of $9,964
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $9,730 maximum of $9,964
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,150 maximum of $4,250
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,151 maximum of $4,250


The Yukon tax credit amounts will be harmonized with all federal personal amounts. Refer to section 3.1. above for information regarding the FCA for certain non refundable tax credits.

The following table provides the changes to the Yukon personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Yukon personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $10,527 $10,822
Child amount $2,131 $2,191

(or $4,191 with FCA)

Age amount maximum of $6,537 maximum of $6,720
Disability amount maximum of $7,341 maximum of $7,546
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $10,527 maximum of $10,822

(or $12,822 with FCA)

Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $10,527 maximum of $10,822

(or $12,822 with FCA)

Caregiver amount maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402

(or $6,402 with FCA)

Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,282 maximum of $6,402

(includes FCA)

Northwest Territories

The following table provides the changes to the Northwest Territories personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Northwest Territories personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $12,919 $13,280
Age amount maximum of $6,319 maximum of $6,496
Disability amount maximum of $10,476 maximum of $10,770
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $12,919 maximum of $13,280
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $12,919 maximum of $13,280
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402
Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402


The following table provides the changes to the Nunavut personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:

Nunavut personal tax credit amounts (indexing factor is 2.8%) effective January 1, 2012:
  Amount effective January 1, 2011 Amount effective January 1, 2012
Basic personal amount $11,878 $12,211
Age amount maximum of $8,909 maximum of $9,158
Disability amount maximum of $11,878 maximum of $12,211
Spouse or common-law partner amount maximum of $11,878 maximum of $12,211
Amount for an eligible dependant maximum of $11,878 maximum of $12,211
Caregiver amount maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402
Infirm dependant age 18 or older maximum of $4,282 maximum of $4,402

Compensation systems are programmed to automatically reflect the basic personal amount, the spouse or common-law partner amount, and the amount for an eligible dependant.

Employees who wish to change their personal tax credit amounts must complete both the federal and the applicable provincial or territorial TD1 forms. An employee who changes province or territory of employment or moves to another province or territory should complete the appropriate provincial or territorial TD1 form. These forms are available from CRA tax services offices and from the CRA Web site at Forms listed by form number.

Any inquiries on the information contained in this document should be addressed to your compensation advisor.