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Secondment agreement

Last updated: February 8, 2019

This section describes the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in processing a secondment agreement.

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Process description

A secondment is a temporary move of an employee to another department or agency in the core public administration and other organizations for which the Treasury Board of Canada is the employer.

As a lateral movement, a secondment allows an employee to perform the functions of a position that already exists or to take on a special project in another organization. The employee maintains his or her substantive position in the home organization, and is paid by the home organization. A secondment agreement indicates acceptance of this arrangement and must clearly state that the employee returns to their substantive position on completion of the secondment.

Employee responsibilities

Employees are responsible for signing the secondment agreement.

For overtime requests, the employee is responsible for completing the extra duty pay or shiftwork report and authorization of the extra duty pay form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network).

For leave requests, the employee is responsible for completing the leave application and absence report (accessible only on the Government of Canada network).

Manager (home and host) responsibilities

Managers from the home (seconded out) and host (seconded in) organizations are responsible for advising human resources of the secondment by following organizational procedures.

Section 34 managers are responsible for:

Overtime and leave

The delegated host section 34 manager must authorize overtime or leave and forward the authorization to the delegated home section 34 manager.

Human resources (home and host) responsibilities

Human resources in the home organization are responsible for:

Human resources in the host organization are responsible for:

Finance (home and host) responsibilities

Finance in the home and host organizations are responsible for reconciling interdepartmental settlements for salary payments.

Finance in the home organization are responsible for Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.


If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre.

Trusted source responsibilities

Upon receipt of the secondment agreement, the trusted source is responsible to authenticate signatures on paper requests before they are transmitted from departments to the Pay Centre, including:


Paper requests submitted directly by employees to the Pay Centre, without any departmental signatory requirements don’t need a trusted source to authenticate anything.

Pay Centre responsibilities

The Pay Centre is responsible for:

If there is a change to an employee’s bargaining status, a bargaining agent identification notice of change form must be completed and sent to the union(s) involved.

If there is a delay in changing an employee’s bargaining status, the Pay Centre is responsible for:


Although Phoenix does not take into consideration the secondment out and in process, the pay action request form sent to the Pay Centre is used to identify if there are changes to the union and location of work.

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