Greater opportunities for Canadian companies doing business with Latvia and Chile

For over 67 years, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has been negotiating bilateral security instruments with other countries to promote trade and economic growth by facilitating Canadian businesses' participation in foreign government procurement contracts requiring the exchange of classified government information.

Canada has recently signed its 22nd and 23rd such instruments with the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Chile.

Negotiated by PSPC's Industrial Security Sector, and in line with the Government of Canada's international trade strategy, these security instruments will improve industrial cooperation between Canada and the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Chile with respect to the protection of classified information. They will also ensure the ability of Canadian entrepreneurs to partner and participate in Latvian programs and projects and in Chilean Ministry of National Defense contracts, programs and projects.

How the instruments work

The bilateral security instruments set out a mutual understanding and commitments between two governments with respect to the protection of classified information and assets when in foreign custody. For example, they provide assurances regarding personnel and organizational security clearances, outline the processes for requesting a visit to a classified facility in another country, create rules for document transfer and for the disposal or return of classified information, provide assurances against third party disclosure, and outline the processes for reporting and investigating security breaches.

Benefits to Canada and Canadian companies

These bilateral security instruments allow Canadian industries to gain access to new markets; without a security instrument in place, Canadian suppliers may not be able to access potential foreign markets because they are unable to bid on procurement opportunities involving classified information.

The bilateral security instruments contribute to Government of Canada priorities on strengthening relationships with allies and promoting Canadian economic prosperity. This safeguards national security interests by allowing trade and deepening business relationships with foreign countries and international organizations in the sectors that depend on the exchange of classified information and assets, such as defence and security, aerospace, nuclear and space.

The bilateral security instruments also support the modernization of procurement practices to reflect and accommodate the globalization of markets and provide more effective delivery of programs and services.

Canada currently has international security instruments in place with Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, European Union institutions, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Canadian organizations thinking about contracting or subcontracting with a foreign government or business can learn more about international contract security requirements on PSPC’s website.

Signing of bilateral security instrument between Canada and Republic of Latvia

Delegates from Latvia and Canada pose for a photo during the signing ceremony—Description below

Image description

Back row, from left to right:
Daniel Pilon, Lead Negotiator and Director, International Industrial Security Directorate, Public Services and Procurement Canada
Diane Lewis, Negotiator and Manager, International Relations Division, Industrial Security Sector, Public Services and Procurement Canada
Solvita Rakitko, Executive Assistant, Embassy of Latvia in Canada

Front row, from left to right:
Pascal Girard, Director General, Industrial Security Sector, Public Services and Procurement Canada
His Excellency Kārlis Eihenbaums, Ambassador of Latvia to Canada

Signing of bilateral security instrument between Canada and Republic of Chile

Delegates from Chile and Canada pose for a photo during the signing ceremony—Description below

Image description

From left to right:
Minister of National Defense Alberto Espina Otero, Chilean Ministry of National Defense
H.E. Ambassador Patricia Peña, Embassy of Canada in Chile

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