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International Classification for Standards

The International Classification for Standards (ICS) is a hierarchical classification that consists of three levels of numeric codes; it designates the group or subgroup in which a given standard is classified. The ICS is used to facilitate the language-independent communication between standards users and developers throughout the world. For more information, contact the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Canadian General Standards Board standards actions

Below you will find descriptions of all of the actions performed on Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) standards.

Amendment a
A modification made to a published standard.
Corrigendum co
A formal notification issued by CGSB to correct a non-technical error in a published standard.
Endorsement en
An adoption of a standard that is approved as acceptable for use in Canada, but which is not reproduced or reprinted under CGSB cover.
New n
A new standard.
New Edition ne
The revision of a standard that includes changes to the previous edition. A new edition supersedes all previous editions and amendments.
Proposed p
The document under development is being proposed for National Standard of Canada (NSC) status. Once the document is approved as an NSC, "C**" in the designation will be changed to "CAN".
Reaffirmation r
The verification that a standard is valid without revision, until the next regular review.
Withdrawal w
The formal notification that a specified document is no longer being maintained.
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