Regret Letter—Template

Instructions to Users

Below is the body text for the regret letter to be sent to all unsuccessful suppliers. The text below should be copied and pasted on to your department's letterhead. Sections in bold are areas additional information is required.

*(Supplier's name and mailing address)*

Re: Request for Proposal No. *(Enter the number of the proposal)*

Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for the bid submitted in response to the above referenced Request for Proposal.

This is to inform you that a contract will not be placed with you in this particular instance as a more favorable proposal has been accepted. A contract was issued to *(Enter Supplier's name)* for a total value of *(enter total dollar value of contract)* (Goods and Services Tax (GST) included).

Should you require further information regarding the evaluation of your bid, I would be pleased to provide this to you.

Your participation is appreciated, and I hope you will continue to bid on procurement opportunities offered by "enter name of your department".

Best regards,

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