Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number EQ75440468
Contract Date 2013-08-06
Description of Work 422 - Engineering Consultants - Construction
Contract Period - From 2013-07-29
Contract Period - To 2014-06-30
Delivery Date
Contract Value $100,221.96
Total Amended Contract Value $362,394.74
Comments This contract was competitively sourced./This contract includes one or more amendments./This contract is a multi-year contract./Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Passport Canada Fit-up. Accommodate the two departments and house all full time employees as part of the moves from 867 Lakeshore Road in Burlington, ON and 377 Burnhamthorpe Road in Mississauga, ON. Multiple amendements including adding Environment Canada space (library) located at 867 Lakeshore Road in Burlington, ON.