Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number EB20151554
Contract Date 2015-03-23
Description of Work 420 - Engineering Services not Elsewhere Specified
Contract Period - From 2015-01-02
Contract Period - To 2016-03-31
Delivery Date
Contract Value $139,035.00
Total Amended Contract Value $167,567.39
Comments Engineering consultant to provide preliminary engineering, detailed design and construction cocuments for culvert replacement south Of Effies Brook, Cape Breton National Highlands Park, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia for Parks Canada. This contract was competitively sourced. This contract is a call-up against a Public Works and Government Services Canada procurement tool. This contract includes one or more amendments This contract was competitively sourced