Contract Details

N.B.: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.

Details for a specific contract
Reference Number EN57821350
Contract Date 2011-11-17
Description of Work 1115 - Miscellaneous Food, Food Materls & Food Preparatns
Contract Period - From 2011-11-14
Contract Period - To 2013-01-31
Delivery Date
Contract Value $112,050.80
Total Amended Contract Value  
Comments The contract is for the procurement of critical information and data resulting from the testing of the innovative breeding process developed by Breviro Caviar Inc. for the sustainable captive breeding of Acipenser Brevirostrum Sturgeon. The evaluation data will support the work of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in sustainable fish stock management, specifically in terms of the company’s methods, level of safety and product quality.  The caviar is used as a test product only and will be returned to the company upon completion of the test.