Treusch, Andrew, Associate Deputy Minister

Travel expenses

List of travel expenses, which includes the date, purpose and total cost
Date(s) Purpose Total cost
2011-08-29 to 2011-08-31 To attend the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Intergovernmental Conference2011-08-29 to 2011-08-311336.83 $1,336.83
2011-08-10 Taxi - Meeting with the Associate Deputy Minister of the Department of National Defence2011-08-101346.83 $10.00
2011-07-29 Parking - Deputy Ministers' Breakfast2011-07-291358.83 $12.00
2011-07-14 to 2011-07-17 Co-chair the jury for the 2011 Institute of Public Administration of Canada Innovative Management Award 2011-07-14 to 2011-07-172387.11 $1,028.28
2011-07-08 Parking - Meeting with the Privy Council Office2011-07-082392.11 $5.00
2011-06-07 to 2011-06-10 Atlantic Regional Visit and Synergy Session with Memorial University2011-06-07 to 2011-06-104216.93 $1,824.82
Total $4,216.93

Hospitality expenses

No expenses reported to date